Ducks Turkeys Chickens

Ducks...this is where the whole thing started. While researching the best homesteading poultry, ducks seemed the perfect solution. Out-laying many chicken breeds, they are said to be self-sufficient, dual-purpose (good for meat also), and really, who can resist the picture of ducklings following their mama into a pond?!

We found that duck eggs were larger, more nutritious, and tastier than chicken eggs, so it seemed we had a match. After attending a so-called seminar (actually just a semi-insane woman who raised hundreds of ducklings on her carpeted living room floor...) we settled on the Ancona breed. They are relatively quiet and docile, extremely good foragers, and make excellent parents. We tracked down a starting flock of 6 hens, not planning to raise any babies. Within 3 months we were back to our supplier looking for a couple of drakes and more ladies. We were definitely hooked.


3 years later, our flock of 30+ are prolific layers of beautiful big white, light green, blue and turquoise eggs. Our gals spend most of their days waiting for us to clean and refill their large tub of water. This elicits an immediate response of glee as they waddle over to create a muddy mess to dabble in, as if they have never seen water before. The old adage “He took to it like a duck to water” is clearly an appropriate simile. I find it amazing they stay so clean considering how much time they spend in the mud.


While chickens are meticulous, organized, love to clean house and make lovely nests, ducks find the greatest joy in making as big a mess as possible in their surroundings, finding house cleaning and nest building a true waste of time. Heaven forbid they should be caught laying an egg in a clean, warm nest. Far better to just waddle along plop one out on the ground and get on with the business of searching around for a new puddle to wallow in. According to all of the scholars, specializing in duck habits and desires, any self-respecting duck would love our nest areas. Our gals have more choices then a Nordstrom Shoe Dept. Lovely hoop houses with nest boxes, a large shed with disassembled dog crates for privacy and coziness. Assorted play houses are spread randomly around their enclosure should the mood hit them while out and about. All nicely appointed with fresh bedding.

Generally our ducks tend to use the “Easter Egg Hunt” method for laying. While not being the most cost effective or expedient egg laying process it does make each day an adventure in discovery.