Ducks Turkeys Chickens
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Our hens consist of a mixture of Americanas, Welsummers, Sex Links, a couple of black silkies, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks and an assortment of others too numerous to mention. They spend their days cleaning their nests, making dust baths, scrounging for grubs and assorted goodies and watching out for the many eagles, hawks, crows, ravens and owls that spend their time circling the property hoping for an easy meal. Because of this our hens are alert, active and healthy.


If one doesn’t know, chickens are an extremely clean, organized, regimented and proud bird. For these reasons every day a loud clucking can be heard announcing the latest beautiful and spectacular egg. This announcement can go on for up to 15 minutes or until one hen is outdone by another. “Fancy”, one of our Gold-Laced Wyandottes, announces, in a voice that can be heard in the next county, of her accomplishments. You would think she was laying something from a Dr. Seuss book instead of a rather plain brown egg (don't worry, we never tell her how average it really is).

The Story of Beta, Our First Love