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As you might imagine keeping up with all the goings on around here it can take quite a bit of attention. We have found our most valuable assets are two geese (Oscar and Felix) that we acquired with an adult flock of ducks. We were skeptical at first having already tried this with three other geese but we had no choice as the owner of the ducks insisted if we took the ducks we had to take the geese.

This turned out to be one of our best decisions. They are constantly on guard and do not tolerate unfamiliar interlopers, whether two legged, four legged or two winged. They are so good at their job that when our annual “wild” duck “Anya” (Muscovy) came to spend her second winter with us, they ran her off as if she had horns and two heads.


How they can keep track of their flock as opposed to another bird is beyond me but they are very specific with their guard duties. We recently adopted a new dog and she had no more than gotten out of the car then they were hissing, wings spread, ready to attack lest she decide to make a duck her dinner. They do not seem to care much about what the rest of the birds are doing but since they are so protective of the ducks it sort of overflows into the rest of our flock. They also help the herding duties if all the flock is out foraging and we need to put them to bed for the night. Oscar and Felix are invaluable.


We also have horses which necessitate having fresh grass and alfalfa hay stacked at all times. This makes for wonderful foraging for the birds and the hay stack always houses a surprise mouse, shrew or frog for the gals to chase after or fight over. And of course as the hay gets used we find it necessary to move pallets which uncover grubs and worms that the girls go nuts over. It also makes for wonderful bedding that all of our birds enjoy frolicking in.